The art of information management. Declarative and real preparation for individual information management

Hanna Batorowska

Pedagogical University of Cracow

The article refers to the results of research conducted among students on the perceived by their own effectiveness in the field of individual information management and their actual competences in this area resulting from the assessment given to respondents on the basis of practical tasks performed. The analysis of the data did not confirm their effectiveness in terms of creating knowledge structures, categorizing, indexing, classifying, generalizing, synthesizing, labeling, etc., although in this area students rated their competences highly. It was assumed that this state is affected to a decisive extent by the functioning of young people in a world dominated by fragmentation, speed, immediacy, exterior, cult of newness, fluidity, multitasking. It was recognized that the ability to analyze and synthesize a problem is not a common or easy skill. It requires psychological, physical and intellectual predispositions to edit coherent, relevant and objective analytical documents that meet quality standards. In order to be able to master the art of information management, for example in the field of creating analytical and synthetic studies, you must have the so-called analytical potential. It was assumed that not everyone has a predisposition to perceive reality in an analytical and synthetic way and to conduct a strategic analysis. You need talent, intelligence and intuition. Treating analysis as a state of mind, it is difficult to reduce it only to mastering formulas, analytical techniques and technological skills. Therefore, the effect of analytical and synthetic work to a large extent bears the hallmarks of art. In conclusion, it should be noted that the over-estimation of student performance in information management must go hand in hand with making them aware of this fact so that they can take action to master specific information skills and master them in a masterly way.

information management, information competences, analytical potential, analytical and synthetic process, education, knowledge structures
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